Weekly Horoscope 4/23~4/29 - 天秤

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2018-04-23T02:52

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Libra horoscope for April 23 - April 29

We have all known - or been - someone who has searched high and low and in
every nook and cranny for a pair of glasses, only to discover them atop their
head. This week, Libra, you may make a similar, silly and amazing discovery.
Something you have sought frantically may turn out to be right under your
nose, as the case may be. Don't be angry with yourself over this - the thing
you discover is not the point of this exercise. It is the search you needed
to fulfill something in yourself. This week could be frustrating in some
other small ways as well, but ultimately the end results will be well worth
the frustration. Monday through Friday should be filled with countless small
obligations that you will work through in your usual, steadfast way. But
there is one back-burner item on your list that you keep pushing further
back. Make sure that you address that item this week, because you are in
precisely the right frame of mind - and the circumstances are ideal - to
transform an idea into a quest with a happy ending. Relationship matters may
come to the forefront just before the weekend. Deal with them carefully,
because this could be more important and more sensitive than you can yet

拖了好久的問題一直沒能被解決掉,真的也好鬱悶啊 QQ

大家一起加油 :">

Tags: 天秤

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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-04-24T19:19
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-04-29T12:49

2018/04/23 (一) 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2018-04-22T23:28
今日運勢 2018 / 04 / 23 (一) 陰 今天事情離你想要的目標還有差距,建議凡事不要抱著太大的期許。 感情方面雖然彼此很有默契,但是另一半會覺得你的心思都在工作上。 幸運色是黑色。 -- 繋がる道と 枯れない思い 《Answe ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-04-22T21:37
出處:https://goo.gl/zryQai 內容: 《法塔羅克里福德》04/23~04/29塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 天秤座 寶劍10 錢幣3逆位 愚者逆位 盡善盡美不是不行,但有時也要審慎評估自己是不是能夠負荷。另外,實質的行動會是比 較重要的事情。 ◎最近煩躁的事 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-04-21T16:05
=======================此心情抒發專為天秤寶寶設置====================== 今日想抒發的心情是: 喜/怒/哀/樂 心情背景:哀 希望跟板友分享的是: 想要平順的生活好難啊! 總覺得自己人生過得好悲哀, 工作是一份換一份, 年輕不懂事, 一點點小事情就要離開, 現在 ...

2018/04/21 (六) 唐綺陽週末星座運勢

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-04-20T22:17
週末運勢 2018 / 04 / 21.22 (六.日) 晴時多雲 週末部下的問題很多,他們都會來請教你,讓你的假期不得閒。 感情方面有幼稚的傾向,建議要聽清楚對方的話,再做出正確的決定。 幸運色是藍色。 -- 繋がる道と 枯れない思い ...

石井ゆかり 04月23日~04月29日の星模様

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2018-04-20T20:19
ごく冷静な対話を重ねているようで、 あなたの内なるものはどんどん熱っぽさを増しているようです。 ワクワクしてきたからこそ、 敢えて冷静に、理性的に振る舞おうとしているのかもしれません。 「一時的な激情で何もかもを押し流してしまわないよう、ごく慎重になろう」 と思えるほど熱く、あなたの内なる思いが燃えている と ...