03/12/2019 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-12-03T23:39

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There are times when a big dream comes true, and we then realize that it
wasn't all we imagined it would be. And then there are times when a dream
we are passionate about does not come true, and we imagine how much better
life would have been if it had materialized. But you may soon get a
glimpse of why a certain dream did not work out for you, Scorpio. You may
get a look at an alternate path, and it will enlighten you on just how
lucky you are that this particular dream remained in the realm of fantasy.
Count your blessings, Scorpio.



Tags: 天蠍

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02/12~08/12/2019 Weekly Horoscope

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-12-03T23:27
If it hasnand#39;t begun to happen yet, Scorpio, you should see a gradual improvement in some areas of your life this week. These areas may include career ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2019-12-03T16:34
天蠍版的各為前輩好!! 本人水瓶男 朋友天蠍女 我與天蠍女是在某交流會認識的,相處的時間不長約四個月而已,但最近這兩個月幾乎每 天都會閒聊,有單獨與她吃過蠻多次飯的,也有一起出去閒晃過,上星期與她吃飯時,因 為本人一個不小心的進入自己的空間,吃飯的當下幾乎忽視了旁邊的友人,直到吃完付款 時,才驚覺空氣有點冰冷 ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/03(二)晴時多雲

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2019-12-03T08:13
2019 / 12 / 03 (二) 晴時多雲 今天事情會不斷插隊,讓你措手不及、打亂節奏,平常心、放輕鬆,事情總會過去,不要 自己嚇自己。 感情方面提高警覺,不要拖拖拉拉或該做的事不做、忘東忘西,這是對方看不順眼的原因 。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...

Alex是大叔 12/02~12/08 天蠍座本週運

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-12-02T10:02
太陽或上升天蠍座:你會開始意識到,許多矛盾正在慢慢緩解,但不代表解決,天蠍們, 你們是需要提防許多事情的人,在這週你會意識到有人伸出示好的橄欖枝,請你接住它, 但接住的同時並不代表你要改變原先對這件事或者這個人的判斷,但示好代表機會,本週 因爲跟這個人共事或者要討論的某件事,會有好的突破。另外,隨著木星進入到 ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/02(一)陰

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2019-12-02T00:02
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