09/02 the daily horoscope - 雙子

By Mia
at 2022-09-01T02:44
at 2022-09-01T02:44
Table of Contents
You may have given someone else authority over you or a choice of yours withou
t realizing it. Perhaps you have deferred to their opinion, or asked them to t
ell you what would be best to do. And in doing that, Gemini, you are giving aw
ay your power. It might seem like the best or easiest thing to do in the momen
t - especially if you aren't feeling wise enough to come up with the best answ
er yourself - but in the end, you are the one who will have to live with the r
esult. Be careful today to be your own authority figure.
它也許似乎是目前最佳的或者是最輕鬆的作法 —
特別是如果在你感覺自己不夠聰明,想不出最佳的答案 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
t realizing it. Perhaps you have deferred to their opinion, or asked them to t
ell you what would be best to do. And in doing that, Gemini, you are giving aw
ay your power. It might seem like the best or easiest thing to do in the momen
t - especially if you aren't feeling wise enough to come up with the best answ
er yourself - but in the end, you are the one who will have to live with the r
esult. Be careful today to be your own authority figure.
它也許似乎是目前最佳的或者是最輕鬆的作法 —
特別是如果在你感覺自己不夠聰明,想不出最佳的答案 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
All Comments

By Elvira
at 2022-09-04T22:50
at 2022-09-04T22:50
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