12/07 英文版綜論 - 牡羊

By Anthony
at 2012-12-07T00:55
at 2012-12-07T00:55
Table of Contents
※ 引述《remenberegg (蛋蛋)》之銘言:
: http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html
: Make sure you leave things in better condition than you found them, Aries.
: This is a good time to tidy your personal space and the environment. This is
: also a great time to do some shopping for yourself. Just be careful that you
: don't spend too much money. When beautiful things catch your eye, it might be
: hard for you to resist them, regardless of how much they cost.
: 東西讓他保持在最佳狀態,比你去找一個新的還好喔!!
: 咩咩阿~私人空間還有所處的環境...可以好好整頓整頓了啦(捏鼻
: 除了是打掃的好時機外,咩咩還被允許血拼了耶!!!(整頓自己XDD
: 可是(舉手指~小心不要噴光了!!(σ ′? ▽ ‵ ) ′ ▽ ‵) σ
: 被美的東西煞到在所難免嘛~
: 咩咩一碰到吸引自己目光的,會整個撲過去,拔都拔不走~
: 可是你也看看那個價錢<(  ̄ㄧ ̄)q▄︻═╤═─ \( ̄□ ̄")/
: http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/aries/overview-daily-20121207.html
: Let go of your own goals and plans today -- but just for now. You need to
: step up and help someone in need, possibly a kid or someone else who hasn't
: been around as long as you have.
: 暫時把自己的目標阿~計畫什麼的~都先拋到九霄雲外吧!!
: 我的意思是先放一邊喔!不是整個"蛋屌"喔喔!!(丟掉
: 有人真的很需要你幫助啦~你嘛幫幫忙!!!
: 可能是小屁孩需要你這個小屁孩,
: 還是某個不是很常往來的人亂入...(誤
: 都展現一下熱情,幫他們嘛(甩手
: 深入研討:(換個說法字也沒有比較少啦~
: It's go time in every sense of the word for you, because your mental
: concentration abilities and your physical endurance are both at an all time
: high. Today is a very good time to initiate any business projects -- even if
: starting things up just entails mulling things over. It's also a good time to
: review any legal documents that need your attention. You will be able to
: pinpoint problem areas (if there are any) right away, and you'll be able to
: think up effective solutions quickly.
: 是對外頭的世界展開雙臂的時候了(抱~
: 你知不知道你聆聽內心的能力還有體力凍陶都被點滿了阿!!!!(蠻~~牛~~
: 你可能花了很長的時間準備,所以會擔心考慮很久...
: 不過今天好好介紹你的企劃可以說正是時候!(握拳
: 既然是時候,那也多多檢查再三確認那些很重要的法律文件~
: 有問題有怪怪的地方你都能馬上指出來!!(指你
: 而且腦筋動的超快,有效的解決方法你根本信手拈來阿!!!(爆氣
: http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claires-daily-horoscopes
: Wear red for luck in tricky business. Confidence is the first step towards
: you building the trust of the professional faces around you. Make that
: apology where it’s due, while you still have the chance.
: 披上幸運的"紅色戰袍"迎向爾虞我詐的商場吧!!!
: 要想贏得身邊那些專業人士的信任!第一件要做的事...
: 就是讓自己"自信滿滿"!!(挺
: 當你還有機會的時候,該道歉就要道歉!!!(啥米!!?我錯了...
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 謝謝各位大大的鼓勵!天氣這麼冷卻這麼暖(在講什麼= =
: 昨天晚上翻完就被朋友抓出去泡湯XD(超舒服的你都不知道~
: 樂透又開獎了!!希望這次有中啦!!!
: 明天基隆Uniqlo開幕,我要去大shopping了!!嘎嘎嘎~(爆料自己的所在地XD
Sent from my Android
: http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html
: Make sure you leave things in better condition than you found them, Aries.
: This is a good time to tidy your personal space and the environment. This is
: also a great time to do some shopping for yourself. Just be careful that you
: don't spend too much money. When beautiful things catch your eye, it might be
: hard for you to resist them, regardless of how much they cost.
: 東西讓他保持在最佳狀態,比你去找一個新的還好喔!!
: 咩咩阿~私人空間還有所處的環境...可以好好整頓整頓了啦(捏鼻
: 除了是打掃的好時機外,咩咩還被允許血拼了耶!!!(整頓自己XDD
: 可是(舉手指~小心不要噴光了!!(σ ′? ▽ ‵ ) ′ ▽ ‵) σ
: 被美的東西煞到在所難免嘛~
: 咩咩一碰到吸引自己目光的,會整個撲過去,拔都拔不走~
: 可是你也看看那個價錢<(  ̄ㄧ ̄)q▄︻═╤═─ \( ̄□ ̄")/
: http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/aries/overview-daily-20121207.html
: Let go of your own goals and plans today -- but just for now. You need to
: step up and help someone in need, possibly a kid or someone else who hasn't
: been around as long as you have.
: 暫時把自己的目標阿~計畫什麼的~都先拋到九霄雲外吧!!
: 我的意思是先放一邊喔!不是整個"蛋屌"喔喔!!(丟掉
: 有人真的很需要你幫助啦~你嘛幫幫忙!!!
: 可能是小屁孩需要你這個小屁孩,
: 還是某個不是很常往來的人亂入...(誤
: 都展現一下熱情,幫他們嘛(甩手
: 深入研討:(換個說法字也沒有比較少啦~
: It's go time in every sense of the word for you, because your mental
: concentration abilities and your physical endurance are both at an all time
: high. Today is a very good time to initiate any business projects -- even if
: starting things up just entails mulling things over. It's also a good time to
: review any legal documents that need your attention. You will be able to
: pinpoint problem areas (if there are any) right away, and you'll be able to
: think up effective solutions quickly.
: 是對外頭的世界展開雙臂的時候了(抱~
: 你知不知道你聆聽內心的能力還有體力凍陶都被點滿了阿!!!!(蠻~~牛~~
: 你可能花了很長的時間準備,所以會擔心考慮很久...
: 不過今天好好介紹你的企劃可以說正是時候!(握拳
: 既然是時候,那也多多檢查再三確認那些很重要的法律文件~
: 有問題有怪怪的地方你都能馬上指出來!!(指你
: 而且腦筋動的超快,有效的解決方法你根本信手拈來阿!!!(爆氣
: http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claires-daily-horoscopes
: Wear red for luck in tricky business. Confidence is the first step towards
: you building the trust of the professional faces around you. Make that
: apology where it’s due, while you still have the chance.
: 披上幸運的"紅色戰袍"迎向爾虞我詐的商場吧!!!
: 要想贏得身邊那些專業人士的信任!第一件要做的事...
: 就是讓自己"自信滿滿"!!(挺
: 當你還有機會的時候,該道歉就要道歉!!!(啥米!!?我錯了...
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 謝謝各位大大的鼓勵!天氣這麼冷卻這麼暖(在講什麼= =
: 昨天晚上翻完就被朋友抓出去泡湯XD(超舒服的你都不知道~
: 樂透又開獎了!!希望這次有中啦!!!
: 明天基隆Uniqlo開幕,我要去大shopping了!!嘎嘎嘎~(爆料自己的所在地XD
Sent from my Android
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