6/18 英文運勢 - 水瓶

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2017-06-17T18:07

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If the wheel of your car becomes stuck in the snow, the more you hit the gas,
the deeper you may get stuck. Even though the urge to hit the gas to move forw
ard may be irresistible, it isn't practical. The smartest thing to do, would b
e to grab a shovel and remove some of the snow so that your tires could get be
tter traction. You may be trying to force yourself out of a situation now, Aqu
arius, but if you do so without a plan, you may wind up getting in even deeper
. If you really want to get out of a situation gracefully, you need to devise
a strategy that is smart rather than desperate.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2017-06-20T12:08
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-06-21T18:33


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2017-06-16T18:09
我的星座或生日:1/27瓶女 各位瓶子瓶眷大家好 其實今天是想發洩一下心情順便問一下大家想法的 先介紹一下人物:原po 原po朋友(以下簡稱朋友) 原po朋友的姐姐(以下簡稱姐姐女) 正題開始前我先說一下其實我是已經等我情緒過了才發的文 這樣才能客觀一點 正題開始: 大概半年前我跟之 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-06-16T17:00
大家好,美好的小周末怎麼安排呢? 不囉嗦,我們是一個歡樂的小群組 每天分享星座運勢,討論各星座關係 從外太空聊到行天宮,什麼垃圾話都可以聊 只要你也喜歡聊天,那歡迎加入我們的群組 想加入群組的朋友,請站內信你的Line ID給我 另外本群也不定期出團,歡迎一起來玩 http://imgur.com/v9GY ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-06-16T12:26
You may have had the experience of mentoring someone recently, Aquarius. It ma y not have been a formal arrangement, and it may simply have been someone wh ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-06-16T12:15
我的星座:天蠍 我在國外唸書 跟他從11月認識到現在了 他是當地人 他18 我19 剛開始只是普通同學 見面hi一下而已 在四月的時候一次連續幾天的巧遇開始比較頻繁的互動常常一起去喝咖啡散步 教我玩滑板 也就是普通朋友出去走走 也不太聊私人的事 不過最近這星期開始幾乎每天一起出去 如果我約他 他在忙 他會說 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-06-16T11:07
Some artists - including songwriters, painters, and movie makers - donand#39;t know where their ideas come from. They are often not sure how they first ima ...