6/22星座運勢 - 水瓶

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2016-06-21T19:48

Table of Contents


You could run into some emotional roadblocks today, Aquarius. This could be du
e to a lack of honesty on your part. Make sure you're sticking to the truth at
all times. A strong, forceful energy could challenge your ego. Don't be surpr
ised if this force is emotionally highly charged. Conflict is apt to result if
you aren't honest about your feelings as soon as they arise.


Don't worry if you don't feel like going out to a party or any other get-toget
her. The astral energy indicates that it may be time to relax and take it easy
. You and your loved one may have been through quite a time recently, and it w
ould be far better today to slow down and take things a little easy. Just enjo
y being together without doing anything much.


Keep your nose out of other people's business today. A conflict between co-wor
kers is likely to arise, but the bottom line is that it is not your problem so
stay out of it before you get tangled in a battle that is simply not yours to



Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2016-06-25T05:28
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-06-30T03:53
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-07-02T10:59
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-07-07T02:58
天啊 明天感覺好有事噢
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-07-10T16:45
哈哈哈 最後一段很重要 明天少管事好!
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-07-11T18:41
不要管 不要管 不要管 XD
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-07-15T19:04
哈哈哈 好喜歡亂七八糟翻譯法XDD
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-07-16T16:28
不要管 不要管 不要管!!! 我會記得
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-07-16T19:48


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2016-06-21T15:21
這篇文章今天才看到... 可能過了有點久,但看完覺得很有感覺 先說我是獅子座,可能同是火象星座都很衝吧(苦笑) 我的狀況跟你非常像 我們很快的就認識、在一起 我不知道是不是水瓶座都這樣 但我認識的水瓶男,跟你所描述的水瓶男很像 不知道人是不是都有一點點賤... 當初我對他並沒有那麼喜歡,所以逼急的他就跟我 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-06-21T06:23
想請問美麗難捉摸的瓶女們 女友是瓶女,交往2年多,前陣子因為女友跟男性友人對話太過曖昧,鬧到差點分手,但因為瓶女哭著不要分手,也說如果對方有在跟她聯絡會講清楚以後不要這樣講話【雖然還是無法要求女友完全不要聯絡】 1 . 瓶女一直以來都會主動整理我的房間且會願意跟家人一起坐著吃飯聊天,也會願意我接他的時候 ...

Alex是大叔 2016下半年事業運-水瓶座

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-06-20T23:34
「不安」和「動盪」是水瓶座上半年的總結,因為從2015年下半年開始,你可能在家人、 家庭、房屋還有事業的這種合作上出現一點問題,度過了動盪的3~5月,你自己的心態 如果已經穩定下來,你也會做出一些決定。進入下半年之後,木星來到你的第九宮,這個 位置是讓你揚名立萬的位置,當然在事業上你可能會用另一種態度和 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2016-06-20T16:06
*有別於y大的仔細,我不是逐字翻譯的料,都翻個大意而已,請大家見諒* http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1andamp;ZSign=10andamp;Af=0 [每日運勢] The need to concentrate m ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2016-06-20T15:00
首先謝謝y大,長期貢獻中文翻譯星座運勢, 讓我也養成習慣每天上來看,相信也有一些人也習慣了。 所以就讓我雞婆代班一下,等y大痊癒就物歸原主。 http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=0andamp;ZSign=10andamp;Af ...